Writing Journey: Journal Entry 95
Winning Nanowrimo means more than just writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Inspiration and the muse are once again alive in journal entry 95.
Winning Nanowrimo means more than just writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Inspiration and the muse are once again alive in journal entry 95.
Too much stuff, not enough words, frustrations and fun discoveries in this week’s deluge. That and more, in journal entry 94.
Struggling to find my feet while I wait in the space between two major changes. Wondering what it all means in journal entry 93.
Juggling a mountain of little things, plus Nanowrimo. I hope my to dos don’t bury me. All that and more in journal entry 92.
Keeping it easy, balance in work and life, Nanowrimo, and finding space amidst the chaos for fun. All that and more in journal entry 91.
Chaotic good, chaotic bad, and lists everywhere all at once. Forgetting tasks and splitting them finely. All this and in more in journal entry 90.