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Writing Journey: Journal Entry 98

December 21, 2022

Week 115

Emotional State: I’m Swamped

Writing & Life

I’ve been chewing away at the edits for Holly and Havoc, the second book in my cozy mystery series, but it’s hard going. I’m not sure what the issue is, but the current chapter is kicking my writing butt hard. I’ve refined it, listened to it, refined it some more, and it’s still longer than it should be while not quite capturing what I want.

It’s possible I’m not sure who the secondary character in this scene is, which is why I’m struggling with it. How do you portray someone who sneers at romance authors while also owning a bookshop that could use a major upgrade? I may need to write a short secondary character story to flesh him out.

But who has the time?

With the holidays, shopping, my world builder’s birthday, new games to play, and presents to wrap, I’m swamped. One good thing about posting my book in Kindle Vella, though, is that it forces me to stick to a schedule, no matter what. Of course, the bad thing is that when I’m stuck, I can’t take a break to fix it in a way that would be satisfying.

Gah. Why is this so hard?

In other news, I’m breaking down my ego when it comes to my non-fiction writing. I like helping people with tips and writing tricks, but coming up with ideas is killing me. And, finding the time to write them while doing all the things is tricky. Add to that I only do it so that I feel as if people see my worth and you get a confused muddle of a human.

I will figure it out… if I can find the time to do so.

In other news, I’ve come up with a great Q1 marketing strategy and have begun building lists to flesh the theme out. Now if I can find the time to do it all, that’d be awesome. It’ll be lighter after the holidays, right?

Sigh. One can only hope.