Why Do We Avoid Doing Things We Enjoy?
What stops us from doing something we say we love? Why don’t we write more, dance more, create more?
What stops us from doing something we say we love? Why don’t we write more, dance more, create more?
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. Read it. Mark it up. Treasure it. It’s amazing whether you’re a panster or a plotter or a plantser.
Will they get along or will it be a total train smash? Part 2 of the Tristana and Patrick backstory of my upcoming novel.
I tortured myself and took a very scary ride, all because of a sliver of text and my own imposter syndrome.
Yet another character backstory for the novel I am writing. Finn is going against the grain of his kind, but loves books too much to ignore his passion.
The lovely and funny straight shooting Terri Trespicio gave a writing workshop last week using the Gateless method and it was amazing! We started with a brief meditation, she provided a word prompt and then we had 10 minutes to write about her prompt. I don’t think I’ve ever been that honest before in a 10 minute writing exercise – I may even post it here, if I get brave enough. My favorite thing she said about writing is: as an author, you “are not a word waitress.” You aren’t… Read More »I am not a Word Waitress