Why Writers are Obsessed with the Rules of Writing
Why are writers obsessed with the rules of writing, both in sticking to them and breaking them? And should we be or should we write what we want?
Why are writers obsessed with the rules of writing, both in sticking to them and breaking them? And should we be or should we write what we want?
How to prepare yourself for the emotional roller coaster of sharing your work and receiving criticism.
How to be a successful author, or at least how to figure out the best path for you based on your purpose for writing and how you write.
Writing a book, but flummoxed on what the cover should look like? I’ve got you covered (pun intended).
Writing a novel, and creating an outline, can be as complicated as you make it. And I made it complicated.
How did I craft the characters in my book? This post gives you tips and tricks and examples.