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Writing Journey: Journal Entry 56

February 2, 2022

Week 69

Emotional State: Moving and Grooving

Books & Writing

I’ve been working on draft two, reading sentences out loud and seeing how they sound. And then editing it. I didn’t do what I thought I’d do – read it again front to back. So, I’m pantsing it, sort of. I’m still trying to figure out where some of the chapters go or if they go, but eh, I’ll figure it out on draft four, right?

I hope so, because that’s when it’s going to happen. I’m confident it will all work out. Mostly.

I will say this – my writing has improved. When I went back to revise the reader magnet and took a second look at a chapter I wrote brand new, I was amazed at how much better it was than the original chapters I wrote a year and a half ago. As long as I keep writing (which is the plan), it’ll keep getting better and better.

Speaking of… my reader magnet is out there, in the wild, luring in unsuspecting readers to my series. Mwhahahahaha. In all seriousness, if I get new subscribers, awesome. If I get people reading my book, even better. If they find it’s not for them, that’s all good too, because it’s moving the needle forward.

In other news, I bit the bullet and paid to have someone create a logo for me. I didn’t pay much, but it’ll be part of the larger rebrand I want to do on my site. I like how it turned out, and it features a hat and a scribe pen, which is cool. I hope to revise the site again this month. I’m not happy with how it looks, but I’m not sure if I want to pay for a theme or not.

Decisions, decisions.

Life in a Pandemic

Switching topics, the pandemic hit home a bit this past week. I know a lot of people have been more impacted than me by it. I’ve had friends lose husbands, boyfriends and parents, so it’s very real. But this week, it caused a delay for something very important – my stepkid visiting.

Without going into a lot of details, my stepkid lives in Australia. We haven’t seen them in years, for many reasons, but we finally had a plan for them to come and visit for two months during their gap year between high school and college. After much drama, we nailed down the dates and scheduled the flights.

After much to and fro, we figured out what they needed to get in the country and it was being handled. It’s tricky though, trying to ensure the tests are done in the tiny window given to us by the airlines. But, we were on track… and then my stepkid got sick. Yep, you guessed it – positive for CoVID.

So, the trip got postponed. Only nine days, but it still cuts into the time we wanted to spend with them. It did give us more time to get ready, since we were scrambling to get the room ready. The bedroom that is theirs has been empty for a year, waiting for a some wallpaper removal and a new coat of paint of two. My world builder worked away at it, but now it’s been paused, as we’ve got a bit more time. Hopefully, he’ll pick it back up and not play FFXIV all day.

I hope. If all goes to plan, they’ll be here in a week and then life will get a bit more interesting. We haven’t had any long-term guests in the house. Changing our behaviors and making room will happen, but it might get a bit bumpy as I’m working, writing and trying to get all the things done. We also have no idea how much they’ll eat while they are here, which will be fun exercise in cooking.

But it’s all good things, right?