November 24, 2021
Day 415, Week 59
- Emotional State: Bring on the feast
Life, Books, & Writing
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means there will be cooking happening in my kitchen soon – the pre-feast cooking so that it is all ready to go tomorrow when the turkey is in the oven. I’d love two ovens but then I’d have to cook everything tomorrow (technically, the world builder does the bulk of tomorrow’s cooking, but its the principle of the thing), and that just sounds exhausting. And so, we break it up.
Today is also a heavy work day for me with early meetings and a lunchtime one, and a cramming of review work between them, which means I did not write the book today. I thought about the book. I reenacted a scene I’ve imagined several different ways that has yet to hit the page, but I did not write. And that’s okay.
Because I’m at 47, 452 words into my 50,000 word Nanowrimo goal and I’ll hit that tomorrow when I write a chapter or two (the one I’ve been imagining most likely). Will I finish the entire book before next Wednesday? Probably not, but I’ll be darn close and that is good enough for me. It’ll be the first time in my life where I can say I wrote 70k words in 30 days.
Since deciding that writing every day is NOT a goal, I’ve written every day. Except today, but I’ve covered that already.
Book three is coming along nicely. I’ve been waffling a bit on where current chapters fit into the book and they might get pushed back. If I do that, though, I’d have to figure out what leads to the big blowout I’ve been imagining. Writing is tricky; pantsing is trickier, but it all comes out in the wash. There’s a lot of work left to be done in both book two and book three’s rough drafts, but I’ll leave that for 2022.
I’ve also determined that my cozy mystery series will be paranormal. Not as paranormal as Seraphina’s world, but paranormal enough to fit in with the ‘brand’ I’ve created thus far. I didn’t want to go that route, because world building (blech; there’s a reason my world builder does it instead of me), but the current plan has minimal world-building and a fun premise. I’m excited about it and also figured out how to start the series, which is the hardest part for me in general – the beginnings.
And I’m jonesing to begin writing it, but need to finish Book three first. And schedule out my publishing plan, revise my website, sort out some affiliate things… and relax. But I bet I squeeze in a cozy mystery writing spree as well. I can’t seem to help myself. Even if I am tired. Because the feast of words awaits and how can I sit on the sidelines while the creative juices are flowing clearer than our turkey juice normally does?
I can’t. And probably won’t. So bring on the feast! I’m hungry already.
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US! I hope your day is filled with good food, good company and absolutely no drama.
To read more of my weekly whine fests and writing journal journey posts, click here.