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Writing Journey: Journal Entry 15

April 14, 2021

Day 191, Week 27

  • Words: 76,649 (19,681 revised out)
  • Revised Chapters: 33 (combined 2)
  • Campaign funded: 26%
  • Ego Size: Clementine
  • Emotional State: Just Getting it Done

I touched my novel over the past week. I took two chapters and combined them, under advice from the acquisition editor who provided their feedback last week. I have two more chapters that could be combined, but I sort of like them so…we’ll see.

I sit down tonight with my editor to figure out how we tackle the beast that is my book revisions. I have a feeling it’s going to be fast and furious, on top of everything else.

Everything else being the manic social media promotion I’m doing to get this book published. If my preorder campaign isn’t successful, at least I can say I have fans now, right? But, as of today, 12 days in, I’ve got 26% of it funded, or $1,341 out of $5000. It doesn’t seem as impressive, but I did double it since last Monday, so that’s something.

I think.

I don’t know. I was all over the place about my campaign and have hit the numb stage. I’m doing all the things, I’m pulling all the levers. I feel a bit dirty about some of it, but I’m doing it. If I don’t make it, I don’t make it. There’s always plan B1 and B2…whatever those are. But I feel good about my campaign. I feel good about the connections I’ve made and the friends I’ve caught up with during this process. So in the end, I’d call that a win regardless of the dollar amount.

Paul and I (my world-building husband) are giving it a go this weekend. On Sunday, 1 pm EDT, we’ll be live on Instagram to talk about the book for 30 minutes. We are still working out what we’ll say and will most likely wing it, but it’ll be fun. Even if it’s just us. Speaking of which, I need to figure out how to do that….

I knew but didn’t know just how hard it is to be a writer these days trying to make a sale. Marketing is hard, yo, and I used to do it for a living. You’d think I’d be all over it, but it’s not the kind of marketing I excel at, but I’m a quick study and I’ll either get there or I won’t.

In other news, I’ve added yet another to do list to my pile – Yep, I’m on Medium (link here). I started with just posting two blog posts I wrote already, but tweaked. And now I think I need separate content on there. Different content. I’ll crosspost a few pieces, but…I don’t know. It feels like a proper writing platform, not some random blog where I vomit out my thoughts in a half-formed way. Oh boy.

What have I done? My list of activities gets bigger and bigger while no new time is added to my day. But it’s good. At least I think so.

While the rollercoaster is real, I’m starting to enjoy the ride. And isn’t that the best place to be?

To read more of my weekly whine fests and writing journal journey posts, click here.